Annoyed– Stupid Behaviours That Annoy Me When It Comes To Dieting

Stupid Behaviours That Annoy Me When It Comes To Dieting


“What a dumb thing to do. According to my freaking retarded brain and what random non- professionals say on the internet, eating blah blah blah is not good for weight loss. 

Hey genius, guess what? Different people have different responses (as in mental responses) to different foods. For example, let’s talk about a comfort, a typical unhealthy food like say, french fries. Yep, those delicious fat-loaded, awful carbs. An asshole “friend” of mine may say, “are you crazy? you’re eating french fries while you’re trying to lose weight??”

In real life, there are two types of people. The first, after eating fries– this is the kind people typically talk about– have an urge to eat more fat loaded stuff, and thus consume more. The other kind, wanting to only satisfy their craving for fries, may only eat a large order of fries during the span of the entire day (i.e. still very few calories). The latter would definitely lose weight. In the end, its all about self control, not about eating unhealthy stuff. I myself have lost tons of weight while eating waffles (white flour), french fries, cake, instant noodles, etc.  Its science, well math… net calories consumed = calories in – calories out.


It’s all the same. Comparing bodies hurts all women – in any era.

Constantly comparing, thighs, tummies, arms,…

Why don’t you guys just freaking strip and stare at each other’s bodies? Those bitches…

The only person you should compare with is yourself. Everyone’s body is different. Big boned, medium boned, small boned. Big structure, medium structure, small structure. Tall, medium, short. Different genes, that’s what. You’re bound to be skinnier or curvier in different places. There’s no point in obsessing and being jealous with what others have and how they are different from you. You’re beautiful in your own way. And what’s more, what’s the point in everyone looking the same from neck-down anyway?? That’s really scary. 


Talking about being fat and how you are dieting everyday and that you need to lose more weight.

Here’s a thought. Shut up. It’s annoying. 


And the ultimate…

a skeletal human being dieting.

What the hell is wrong with you? Let’s leave that to the anorexics alright?

I don’t know about you, but do you seriously think this is healthy…?

You need help.

And some encouragement to end it all…

Are you guilty of any of those behaviors? 

Pierre Herme’s Cheesecake, Blueberryfied

I’m looking for guest posts once again! The guest post can be a recipe post, a “tips” on how to bake/cook something post or a nutrition related post. Just email it to and I’ll get it up and going! 😀 I’ll need as many as I can get.

In the past year, I decided to challenge myself in baking. Put aside all fear of failure. Step out of the basics. Venture into the world of gourmet desserts. Because that’s what “growing” and “learning” is supposed to be. Doing what you’ve never done before. Making most out of the money spent on buying the ingredients. Why make bread with flour when you can come up with a product that’s worth more with the same ingredients? Why spend the same amount time making everyday desserts when you can make expensive, exquisite ones? And need I remind myself of the beauty of all things gourmet? Those simple ingredients, through my hands and equipment, transform, from a blank canvas into a valuable piece of art. This is the beauty of baking. This is why I fell heads over heels in love with baking. Edible art.


This cheesecake is easily a good example. Simple yet beautiful.

Recipe for crust is adapted from here, recipe for blueberry swirls is adapted from here, and Pierre Herme’s recipe for cheesecake is adapted from here.




Its rich, heavy, with the just right amount of sweetness and a hint of sourness. Just small slice is adequate to satisfy a cheesecake craving.

Make it yourself for the full experience. I assure you– its good.

For the text version of the recipe, click here.

Hazelnut Opera Cake

After months of school in Taiwan, I’ve realised that there’s something scarily wrong in society. It may be the influence of the media, according to my analysis, that’s making girls feel that they have to conform to the media’s definition of what is “beauty” in order to fit into society. My skinny underweight friends in medicine complain that they are too fat while their chests are as flat as most guys and even flatter than some guys (you know, those who work out). They set weight loss goals which would turn them into skeletons while the other girls, still slim but of acceptable weight, whine about how they need to lose weight all the time. Its downright annoying, and to an extent, even disturbing. 

I can’t understand why people can’t accept their weight for what it has been the last 5 years of their lives (the same weight since past puberty).  My other friends tell me its because guys like girls that way– bony and slim– and so girls, in order to attract the guys they like, want to look skinny for them. Honestly, I doubt guys enjoy girls yapping to them about how they should lose weight without fail everyday. I believe its not the guys’ fault. True love is about loving the person for who he or she is, accepting the person for being him/herself, whether he/she is thin or fat, ugly or beautiful (everyone’s bound to get old one day). Trying to make yourself look skinnier to attract guys, or just because you want to look like a model is wrong. Its alright to believe in yourself, and to believe in God, because He will lead us to the right person.

More about “Fat Talk Free” here:

Find the “Fat Talk Free” Pledge here:

Alright, and what better than a calorific Hazelnut Opera Cake to end this post?


In case you were wondering, here’s the layering of the cake components from top to bottom:



Coffee Buttercream




Coffee Buttercream



This recipe was adapted from Honeybee Sweets

opera3 opera4


Recipe for Coffee French Buttercream was adapted from 萧影欢城




For the text version of this recipe, click here: Hazelnut opera cake
