Inside Out Blondie Tart Cake for 2 (Vegan and Whole Wheat)



Qiting asks herself some questions about shopping for clothes and related boring accessories to fill up the gap between the top of the page and the recipe

Interviewer: Is shopping for clothes considered a hobby?

QT: More like torture.

So I assume you won’t join your friend(s) when they/she want(s) you to accompany them in said activity?

Not unless I really really really really really like them enough to know I won’t hate them after they mentally torture me with the sight of a room filled with, gasp, only clothes!

Do you go shopping with your mom?

Sure, I wait outside the shop while she enters.

You’re a lousy daughter.

I’m sure you don’t mean that.

I do.

Well, I don’t care what you think. Its a free country!

Not exactly, Singapore has tons of rules and stuff.

Weren’t you asking me about my lack of interest in clothes-shopping? When did we decide to switch the subject to the allowance of free speech in this tiny island which is not exactly the food paradise people speak of because its a lie ’cause Taiwan has food a million times better? You! You inattentive, over-inquisitive, unprofessional weirdo who’s supposed to be interviewing me!

Whatever. So, clothes! Do you only hate shopping for them or do you simply hate them?

Are you unobservant or simply ignorant?

You’ve insulted me enough. I can’t handle this anymore.


Interview ends after the two rip off each other’s hair… you know I’m talking about the ones on the head don’t you?





I remade a blondie.



Now it has an Oreo tart crust stuffed in it.

Because the blondie ate oreos HA! 



The recipe for blondies is adapted from The Allergic Kid.


Click here for larger version.

For vegan version, use Tofutti Cream Cheese and prepared vegan pudding (like this one:



Since its for 2, you can share it or you can just have it all yourself. 

Please excuse my tragic inability to correct these annoyingly saturated photographs the horror of a camera once again rewarded my hard work with. No ‘P.S.’ because it is telling.


Please tell me that at least one person out there shares my detest for clothes-shopping…



4 thoughts on “Inside Out Blondie Tart Cake for 2 (Vegan and Whole Wheat)”

  1. No, I did not read the interview (yet). I’ll come back for it. I actually wanted say something else (it’s been on the brain). I seriously enjoy the cute recipe graphics and the photography every time. The frilly graphics paired with the sarcasm that you bring make my day. If only I could get away with eating dessert for dinner… 🙂


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